by Brian Drucker
Prayer– Prayer is talking to God and expressing our concerns and desires. It can be expressing thanks, making requests, or just telling God how you feel. Prayer is talking to the all-powerful Creator of the universe, so we should be respectful. At the same time, God is light and He is love, and He really wants us to be honest about what is on our heart.
If you have put your trust in Jesus that He died for the punishment of your sins and wrongs, then the Bible says that you are justified. This is a legal term which means “declared righteous” (Romans 3:21-25 and 5:1-2). Romans 8:15 tells us that we also have a new relationship with God: He is our Father, and we have been adopted into His family with full rights as His sons and daughters. These truths are important to remember as we go to God in prayer.
Even though we do things that are wrong everyday God sees us as being completely righteous because of what Christ has done for us. We do not need to be afraid of God wanting to punish us. Jesus took all of the punishment that we deserved. We can talk to God knowing that He loves us and wants to help us.
Jesus said in John 16:23, “My Father will give you whatever you ask in My name” (NIV). To pray in Jesus name means more than just ending our prayers with the words “in Jesus name.” In the middle-eastern cultures one’s name was associated with his character. To pray “in Jesus name” means to pray for good and right things which are in line with His character.
1Corinthians 1:30 says that we are “in Christ.” 1Timothothy 2:5 says, “There is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus.” Because God the Father sees us in Christ Jesus (or “in King Jesus”), we can pray any time, any place, and while we are doing anything. It is good to set aside a time each day to pray, but God wants us to continue to talk with Him all day long (1Thessalonians 5:17).
God created us because He wants us to be His children and His friends. Yes, He is Almighty God, but He wants to have a loving friendship with us. He made way through Jesus for us to be forgiven and our relationship with Him to be restored. Sopray in the name of Jesus to your Father who is in heaven and trust that He truly loves you and hears you